Sunday, 30 January 2011

How important is the environment in our daily lives?

Honestly when we look at the market today, we find a substantial amount of products and brands beginning to advertise that they are eco-friendly and that people in general are becoming more conscious of the environment. From using less plastic bags, to opting for a car with lower fuel consumption, is the reason why we are doing this for the environment or is it really for ourselves?

I can see that in today's society, we live in a very 'me' world. Everything is about 'me' and what is in it for 'me'. Everything else is secondary in our lives. We go for the latest product because it makes us feel good about ourselves and it would enhance our image amongst our friends and make them jealous. In short, it truly is what makes us cool.

Green isn't cool just yet. It is a thing which is more mainstream yes, and it is no longer just associated with hippies, environmentalists and NGOs. People are making a conscious effort, but then again, they won't open their wallets to it as they don't see why it should cost more than anything at the moment.

The main issues that people look at when they make a purchase is three things:

1. Value
2. Quality
3. Attributes

In all honesty, that is the average consumer's thought process. In other words, they ask themselves:

-How much is it?
-Is it worth it?
-How good is the quality?
-Do I need such good quality?
-(optional) Is is environmentally/socially responsible?

More often that not, the last question doesn't even register. Based on our study and survey, less than 1 in 10 Malaysians give a damn about the environment. Despite natural disasters happening all the time, and tonnes of talk about going Green on the media, people are generally stubborn, and point the finger at the government to ask them to sort it out. But for the government it is a catch 22 as going Green may mean displeasing some industries who are hugely energy inefficient but are government linked, and if they don't do anything, they bear the wrath of the NGOs and the media.

All in all, we can see that it is a long journey to truly get the public to make a conscious buy of eco-friendly products over conventional products. I have faith we shall get there eventually.